Here is a pursuasive speeach by my friend.. Cassie Leake. Shes trying to convince you not to go horse back riding! Below that is my speeach, i'm trying to tell you that you all should be vegitarians! Well... Enjoy! If your doing a speech.. these might give you ideas! Also if you are doing a speech.. don't make it too long, or else your audience will all get bored.
Don't Go Horse Back Riding
Hi I'm here to convince you not to go horse back riding! You know how horses are very tall, well if your too short you cant get on the dang thing! Why bother putting a saddle on? Their too fat anyways! Don't go horse back riding. My dad had a nice strong sturdy horse named spring, and oh boy you did not want to be down wind! And when you rode him it stunk!! Just please don't go horse back riding!! It's not fun, horses get scared very very very easily! Once I was riding a horse named Dude and he was startled by a leaf and I was bucked off! Ouch! What really bugs me is that they love to struggle when your trying to put a saddle on. And you know they just get stubborn for no reason, it's like their trying to get on your nerves for fun, and you know their do a pretty good job at it too! Please for the love of god don't go horse back riding! And they break down allot! A car is easier to look after! You can just take it in to get it fixed but when you take in a horse to get a tune up. . . not a good idea. And you half to feed it allot! My uncle had a horse named Peaches he was a Shetland pony, and you know what their like not very cooperative. And once they got the saddle on and got peaches riding, he charged at a tree and knocked off my uncle! Shure, shure they look cute on the outside. . . but in the inside. . . THEIR EVIL!! (parents don't be stupid and buy your kids a Shetland pony.) And your legs get sooooooooo sore after you Finnish a two hour ride in the meadow, just don't go horse back riding! And they can be just plan stupid. And the smell! have you ever smelt horse manure!?!?!? Sometimes they just go while your on them! (Ive had experience. 0.o) And your all lovey dovey when you feed them carrots, and apples but really their getting FATTER! And then your spending all your money feeding and grooming the horses. And every time they get fatter you half to go and buy a saddles to fit the thing! JUST DON'T GO HORSE BACK RIDING! YOUR GOING TO REGRET IT!
By,Cassie Leake
Be a Vegetarian!
By Kyla Egli
My speech today is all about Being a Vegetarian.
Imagine twenty acres of luscious long miles of swirling grass dodging the wind where there are tattered old rusted up fences surrounding your dinner which is COW. Imagine all those miles of cows to slobber up and eat, that only feeds around a roomful of people! If you changed those twenty acres and grew fresh vegetables and juicy pure fruit that would feed thousands! What would you rather have? Meat, or fruit and vegetables? My choice honestly...I'd rather have a river of blood gushing out of the rocky bumpy skin of a strawberry.
Sooner or later there will be no more cows, chicken, rooster, fish, or pigs. They will all be just a myth in the mist, and with no cows means say goodbye to fertilizer! With no fertilizer we can't grow vegetables or fruit or trees or flowers or anything! When are we going to draw the line!? And we are eating lives! Try cooking up your family and eating them daily! Also killing those animals means you're also killing the rain forest, because it was the only way to produce one quarter of rain forest beef! Ya, you heard me right! Only a quarter! This has got to stop!!
If a man eats meat every day or maybe even more has a 50% chance more of heart-attack! Woman who eat chicken eggs 3 times or more a week have a risk 3 times higher of getting cancer than a woman who eats less than one a week! Also around 700,000 animals in the U.S are killed for their flesh EACH HOUR! That's right... each hour! Man, that's A LOT of animals!
Also look at the options out there! They're serving non-meat things and veggie burgers! Plus its way cheaper stuff like that is stuffing our bank accounts with silk green money! It's also much healthier to not eat meat! Soon the price of meat will triple and leave us dry handed with empty pockets! I'd rather have my bank account exploding green fireworks of money, and shimmering down the coins.
What do Paula Abdul, Pamela Anderson. Rachelle Farrell and Linda Goodman have in common? They are all vegetarians, they all chose the right choice! Being vegetarians means different things to different people. I barely thought about it a year ago, but now it's the only thing on my mind!
So go on out there! Be a vegetarian for at least a day! Those animals count on you! Even though you count on sheep when you go to bed! Strange enough... cows might be an endangered species. Sooner or later to be extinct and gone..forever because of you. You choose today. YOU do what you think is best! Want all the animals to die because of YOU? Let me answer that for you...NO.
Thank you.